SAA全称Strategic Asset Allocation,指战略性资产配置。
战略性资产配置是在一个较长时期内以追求长期回报为目标的资产配置。战略性资产配置的时间跨度可能三、五年甚至更长,这种资产配置方式重在长期回报,因此往往忽略资产的短期波动。其英文释义如下:Strategic asset allocation is a portfolio strategy whereby the investor sets target allocations for various assetes and rebalances the portfolio periodically. The target allocations are based on factors such as the investor's risk tolerance, time horizon, and investment objectives.
TAA全称Tactic Asset Allocation,指战术性资产配置。
战术性资产配置是根据资本市场环境及经济条件对资产配置状态进行动态调整,从而增加投资组合价值的积极战略。Tactical asset allocation is an active management portfolio strategy that shifts the percentage of assets held in various categories to take advantage of market pricing anomalies or strong market sectors. This strategy allows portfolio managers to create extra value by taking advantage of certain situations in the marketplace. It is a moderately active strategy since managers return to the portfolio's original asset mix once reaching the desired short-term profits.
Likewise, we consider it not feasible for DD(CS) to take up the work of the proposed AOSGB post given his huge portfolio, including the Housing Authority’s (HA) consultancy study to review the pay package of its contract staff, HA’s IT strategy consultancy to produce a roadmap that addresses the future business needs of HA, an overall major strategic asset allocation review for HA in 2012, and the management services study on the Housing Grade manpower situation which will be completed in 2012.
转载自:旗渡译问网站 作者:旗渡多语信息中心(出海资讯定制)