来源:雪球App,作者: 洪荒力ant,(https://xueqiu.com/7142097454/293956911) 经典| 股神沃伦·巴菲特投资名言(中英双语)珍藏版 -内容整理自《巴菲特致股东们的信》、巴菲特演讲采访视频以及网络精选。一1. 到目前为止,最好的投资还是投资你自己。By far the best investment you can make is in yourself.2. 规则一:永远不要亏钱。规则二:永远不要忘记规则一。Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget Rule No.1.3. 当别人害怕时,你要贪婪,当别人贪婪时,你要害怕。Be greedy when others are fearful, and be fearful when others are greedy.4. 永远不要投资你无法理解的业务。Never invest in a business you cannot understand.5. 股市的设计是为了将金钱从活跃交易者转移到有耐心的投资者手中。The stock market is designed to transfer money from the Active to the Patient.6. 种一棵树的最好时间是二十年前,其次是现在。The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.7. 在危机时刻,现金加上勇气是无价的。Cash combined with courage in a time of crisis is priceless.8. 你在市场上会遇到很多傻瓜;这就像一个大赌场,其他人都在狂欢。You’re dealing with a lot of silly people in the marketplace; it’s like a great big casino and everyone else is boozing.9. 风险来自于你不知道自己在做什么。Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.10. 我们最喜欢的持有期是永远。Our favorite holding period is forever.二11. 拥有一只股票,期待它下个早晨就上涨是十分愚蠢的。Owning stocks is like having children — don’t expect them to change overnight.12. 能力圈的大小并不重要,清楚自己的能力圈边界才是至关重要的。It’s not how big your circle of competence is; it’s how well you define the parameters.13. 价格是你支付的,价值是你得到的。Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.14. 以合理的价格买入一家优秀的公司,比以极低的价格买入一家普通的公司要好得多。It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price.15. 如果你不打算持有某只股票十年,那就不要持有它十分钟。If you don't feel comfortable owning something for 10 years, then don't own it for 10 minutes.16. 部署资本的最佳时机是市场下跌的时候。The best chance to deploy capital is when things are going down.17. 在商业世界里,后视镜总是比前挡风玻璃清晰。In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.18. 时间是优秀企业的朋友,是平庸企业的敌人。Time is the friend of the wonderful business, the enemy of the mediocre.19. 投机在看起来最容易的时候最危险。Speculation is most dangerous when it looks easiest.20. 让九个女人怀孕也不能在一个月内生出一个孩子。You can’t produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant.三21. 机会并不常有。当黄金雨降临时,要拿出桶来接,而不是顶针。Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble.22. 只买你非常愿意持有十年的东西,即使市场关闭。Only buy something that you’d be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years.23. 当心那些引起掌声的投资活动;伟大的行动通常会被打哈欠。Beware the investment activity that produces applause; the great moves are usually greeted by yawns.24. 只有当投资者不了解他们在做什么时,广泛分散才是必要的。Wide diversification is only required when investors do not understand what they are doing.25. 我从不试图在股市上赚钱。我买进股票时假设市场第二天可能关闭,并且五年内不会重新开放。I never attempt to make money on the stock market. I buy on the assumption that they could close the market the next day and not reopen it for five years.26. 成功人士与真正成功人士之间的区别在于,真正成功的人几乎对一切都说“不”。The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.27. 成功的投资需要时间、纪律和耐心。不管天赋或努力多么伟大,有些事情就是需要时间。Successful investing takes time, discipline, and patience. No matter how great the talent or effort, some things just take time.28. 投资者应牢记,兴奋和费用是他们的敌人。Investors should remember that excitement and expenses are their enemies.29. 如果过去的历史就是全部,那么最富有的人应该是图书馆员。If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians.30. 投资就是现在投出资金,以便在未来获得更多资金。Investing is laying out money now to get more money back in the future.四31. 对我们来说,最好的事情是当一家伟大的公司陷入暂时的困境……我们希望在它们处于手术台上时买入。The best thing that happens to us is when a great company gets into temporary trouble...We want to buy them when they’re on the operating table.32. 商学院更青睐复杂的行为而非简单的行为,但简单的行为更有效。The business schools reward difficult complex behavior more than simple behavior, but simple behavior is more effective.33. 在商业世界中,最成功的人是那些在做自己热爱的事情的人。In the world of business, the people who are most successful are those who are doing what they love.34. 我一直知道我会变得富有。我想我从没怀疑过这点。I always knew I was going to be rich. I don’t think I ever doubted it for a minute.35. 如果发现自己在一艘长期漏水的船上,与其花力气修补漏水,不如把精力放在换船上。Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energydevoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.36. 基本上,当你到了我这个年纪,你会用多少你想得到爱的人实际上爱你来衡量你的人生成功。Basically, when you get to my age, you’ll really measure your success in life by how many of the people you want to have love you actually do love you.37. 你知道的……你不断重复同样的事情,就会不断得到同样的结果。You know... you doing the same things and you keep getting the same result over and over again.38. 购买一家公司的最佳时机是它遇到麻烦的时候。The best time to buy a company is when it's in trouble.39. 预测可能会告诉你很多关于预测者的信息,但不会告诉你任何关于未来的信息。Forecasts may tell you a great deal about the forecaster; they tell you nothing about the future.40. 华尔街是唯一一个人们乘坐劳斯莱斯去向那些乘地铁的人请教的地方。Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway.五41. 为什么不把你的资产投资在你真正喜欢的公司呢?正如梅·韦斯特所说,“好事多多益善”。Why not invest your assets in the companies you really like? As Mae said, "Too much of a good thing can be wonderful".42. 你必须控制住你的时间,除非你学会说“不”,否则你做不到。你不能让别人为你的人生设定议程。You’ve got to keep control of your time, and you can’t unless you say no. You can’t let people set your agenda in life.43. 投资必须理性;如果你无法理解它,就不要做。Investment must be rational; if you can’t understand it, don’t do it.44. 对投资者来说,说‘不’的能力是巨大的优势。The to say ‘no’ is a tremendous advantage for an investor.45. 永远不要依赖单一收入。进行投资以创造第二个收入来源。Never depend on a single income. Make investment to create a second source.46. 当市场下跌时,你轻易的将好东西打折变卖,但是一旦市场向上,再想买回来,难之又难。You can always juice sales by going down-market, but it's hard to go back upmarket.47. 你不需要成为火箭科学家。投资不是一个智商160的人打败智商130的人的游戏。You don’t need to be a scientist. Investing is not a game where the guy with 160 IQ beats the guy with 130 IQ.48.对投资者来说,最重要的素质是性情,而不是智力。The most important quality for an investor is temperament, not intellect.49. 股市充满了知道一切价格但不知道任何价值的人。The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.50.部分拥有希望钻石比完全拥有水钻好。It’s better to have a partial interest in the Hope diamond than to own all of a rhinestone.六51.投资最重要的是认清你知道什么,并学习你不知道的事物。The most important thing in investing is to recognize what you know and learn what you don't know.52. 作为投资者,你的目标应该是以合理的价格购买一家易于理解的业务的一部分权益,其收益在未来五年、十年和二十年几乎可以肯定会大幅提高。Your goal as an investor should be simply to purchase, at a rational price, a part interest in an easily understandable business whose earnings are virtually certain to be materially higher five, ten, and twenty years from now.53.把一个在市场上积极交易的人称为投资者,就像把一个反复参与一夜情的人称为浪漫主义者一样。Calling someone who trades actively in the market an investor is like calling someone who repeatedly engages in one-night stands a romantic.54.我不找七英尺高的横杆跳过去;我寻找可以跨过的一英尺高的横杆。I don't look to jump over seven-foot bars; I look around for one-foot bars that I can step over.55.最好的对抗通胀的办法是投资你自己,你的钱会感受到通胀的压力,但你的才能不会。The best thing you can do against inflation is to invest in yourself. Your talents and abilities can’t be taken away by inflation.56. 我从11岁开始买股票,我去图书馆读所有关于股票的书,我非常喜欢我父亲的工作与股票有关。I started buying stocks, when I was eleven. I've been reading every book in the library on it. My dad you know it's his business and I get the good honors off.57. 市场就像上帝,只帮助那些本身就很努力的人。但与上帝不同的是,市场不会宽恕那些不清楚自己在干什么的人。The market, like the Lord, helps those who help themselves. But unlike the Lord, the market does not forgive those who know not what they do.58. 在发现自己掉进坑里的时候,最重要的事情就是停止挖掘。The most important thing to do if you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging.59. 千万不要问理发师是否需要理发。Never ask a barber if you need a haircut.60. 只要你没做太多的错事,一生中,你只需要做几件正确的事情。You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don't do too many things wrong.七61. 当机会来临时,就要行动。You do things when the opportunities come along.62. 在我做决策之前,我会掂量一下自己的分量。My idea of a group decision is to look in the mirror.63. 有人今天坐在树荫下,因为他很久以前种了一棵树。Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.64. 你和一个道德品质败坏的人,无法完成一桩好交易。You can't make a good deal with a bad person.65. 最重要的事情其实是你选择与什么样的人为伍。你应该选择比你优秀的人为伍。The most important thing is who you associate with. You want to associate with people who are better than you are.66. 做投资智商高了没用,你真正需要的是情绪稳定,你需要有独立思考的能力,你需要去,你要根据事实推理去得出结论,而不是看别人怎么说。只根据事实来说话。You don't need high IQ in investments. What you do need is emotional stability. You have to be able to think independently. You have to be when you come to a conclusion, you have to really not care what other people say, just follow the facts and follow your reasoning.67. 毕竟,只有在退潮的时候,才能发现谁在裸泳。After all, you only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out.68. 与其杀死毒龙,不如避开毒龙。It's easier to stay out of trouble than it is to get out of trouble.69. 对于企业而言,糟糕的运作加上混乱的管理,结果常常是一笔糊涂帐。The reaction of weak management to weak operations is often weak accounting.70. 在你雇佣人之前,你必须要确认他是否拥有三项素质:正直诚实,聪明能干,精力充沛。但是最重要的是正直诚实,因为如果他不正直诚实而又具备了聪明能干和精力充沛,你的好日子也就到头了。In looking for someone to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. But the most important is integrity because if they don't have that, the other two qualities, intelligence and energy, are going to kill you.八71. 你财富自由后,想做什么工作,现在就该做什么工作,这样的工作才是理想的工作。The work you’d do if you were already wealthy is the work you should do now. That’s the right job for you.72. 一个公开的民意测验无法代替思考。A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.73. 一个投资者应该表现得好像他一生只有一张决策卡,上面只有20次打孔机会。An investor should act as though he had a lifetime decision card with just twenty punches on it.74. 如果你在小事上无原则,那么在大事上一样没有原则。If you let yourself be undisciplined on the small things, you will probably be undisciplined on the large things as well.75. 预测雨水无关紧要,建造方舟才重要。Predicting rain doesn't count. Building arks does.76. 把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,但要密切关注那个篮子。Keep all your eggs in one basket, but watch that basket closely.77. 对大多数从事投资的人来说,重要的不是知道多少,而是如何正确对待自己不明白的东西。For most people, the importance is not how much they know, but rather how realistically they define what they don’t know.78. 你必须要独立思考。我常常惊讶于:一些智商极高的人在市场上无意识的跟随大众,和这些人聊天对于我毫无益处。You have to think for yourself. It always amazes me how high-IQ people mindlessly imitate. I never get good ideas talking to other people.79. 成功人士和真正成功人士之间的区别在于,真正成功的人几乎对所有事情都说不。The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.80. 人生就像滚雪球,只要找到湿的雪和很长的坡道,雪球就会越滚越大。Life is like a snowball. The important thing is finding wet snow and a really long hill.九81. 人性的弱点总是充满贪婪、恐惧或者是愚蠢,这是完全可以预测的,但是我们无法预测这种人性弱点的发生顺序。The fact that people are full of greed, fear, or folly is predictable. The sequence is not predictable.82. 只有当投资者不了解自己在做什么时才需要广泛的多元化。Diversification is a protection against ignorance. It makes little sense if you know what you are doing.83. 我们的方法更多是从不变中获利,而不是从变化中获利。Our approach is very much profiting from lack of change rather than from change.84. 金钱不是万能的。在说这种废话之前,请先确保你赚了很多钱。Money is not everything. Before you say such nonsense, make sure you have made a lot of it.85. 如果你找不到在睡觉时赚钱的方法,你就会一直工作到死。If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.86. 如果一个企业经营良好,股价最终会跟随上涨。If a business does well, the stock eventually follows.87. 富人投资时间,穷人投资金钱。The rich invest in time, the poor invest in money.88. 股市有躁狂抑郁症。The stock market has manic-depressive tendencies.89. 不要把花钱后剩下的存起来,而是把存钱后剩下的花掉。Do not save what is left after spending but spend what is left after saving.90. 我相信,坦诚的公司的管理层会使投资人受益。那些在公开场所误导别人的CEO最终会在私下里误导自己。We also believe candor benefits us as managers. The CEO who misleads others in public may eventually mislead himself in private.十91. 今天的投资者不会从昨天的增长中获利。The investor of today does not profit from yesterday’s growth.92. 你必须在财务和心理方面做好充分准备,以应付股票市场的反复无常。You have to be prepared both financially and psychologically to handle volatility.93. 我们不必比别人更聪明。我们必须比别人更有纪律。We don't have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest.94. 习惯的枷锁太轻,以至于感觉不到,直到它们变得太重无法打破。Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.95. 预测未来的最好方法是创造未来。The best way to predict the future is to create it.96. 诚实是非常昂贵的礼物,不要指望廉价的人会给你。Honesty is a very expensive gift, don't expect it from cheap people.97. 当你把无知和杠杆结合起来,你会得到一些非常有趣的结果。When you combine ignorance and leverage, you get some pretty interesting results.98. 我在历史中学到的唯一东西就是:大众从未从历史中汲取教训。What we learn from history is that people don't learn from history.99. 我们总是生活在一个不确定的世界。可以确定的是,美国会随着时间推移而前进。We always live in an uncertain world. What is certain is that the United States will go forward over time.100. 专注于你的客户,并领导你的员工,就像他们的生活依赖于你的成功一样。Focus on your customers and lead your people as though their lives depend on your success.101. 我的工作是阅读。我阅读我所关注的公司年报,同时也阅读它的竞争对手的年报,这些是我最主要的阅读材料。My job is to read. I read the annual reports of the companies I am interested in and I read the annual reports of their competitors. These are my main reading materials.102.买入那些即使市场关闭十年你也会感到非常满意的东西。Only buy something that you’d be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for ten years.