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婴幼儿的科学喂养对于促进大脑发育至关重要。哈佛营养学家发现,富含欧米珈-3脂肪酸、叶酸、铁、锌、胆碱和维生素A、维生素B12、维生素D的食物有助于增强大脑功能和学习能力,避免摄入添加糖的加工食品也很关键。婴幼儿多吃以下6种食物将能让其在长大后保持高度专注力。 Photo/Pexels 1. Superfood smoothies 超级食物制成的“奶昔” For the best superfood smoothie, add folate-rich and fiber-rich leafy greens like spinach or kale, along with chia seeds or walnuts for plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and protein. Then throw in an avocado for healthy fats, followed by antioxidant-rich blueberries. 最好的超级食物奶昔配方是菠菜或甘蓝菜等富含叶酸和纤维的绿叶蔬菜以及富含欧米珈-3脂肪酸、纤维和蛋白质的奇亚籽或核桃。你可以再放入一颗富含健康脂肪的牛油果和一些富含抗氧化素的蓝莓一起搅拌。 Adding plain, unsweetened yogurt can also increase your smoothie’s creaminess, protein levels and gut-healthy probiotics. 你还可以加入无糖原味酸奶,从而提升奶昔的丝滑口感和蛋白质含量,还能添加有益肠道健康的益生菌。 2. Homemade veggie fries 自制炸蔬菜 Eating a colorful variety of vegetables is so important for getting enough fiber and phytonutrients, as well as fueling both gut health and mental health. 婴幼儿饮食中包含各种五颜六色的蔬菜对于摄入足量纤维和植物营养素以及促进肠道健康和心理健康非常重要。 Air fryer ovens add a crispy, crunchy texture to food without deep frying. Use it to make zucchini, carrot or green bean “fries.” 空气炸锅可以让食物不经油炸就能拥有酥脆口感。你可以用空气炸锅制作炸西葫芦、炸胡萝卜或炸绿豆。 3. Homemade hummus 自制豆泥 Legumes are healthy, plant-based sources of iron, zinc, protein and fiber, benefitting brain development. 豆类是健康的植物性食品,可以提供铁、锌、蛋白质和纤维,有益于大脑发育。 Homemade hummus is a versatile way to incorporate legumes into your child’s diet. It can be served in so many ways, such as a dip paired with apple slices, carrot sticks, thinly sliced celery or sugar snap peas. 自制豆泥是让孩子摄入各种豆类的好方法,你可以用豆泥搭配苹果切片、胡萝卜条、芹菜薄片或蜜豆等多种食物。 Adding some color to your hummus can make it more appealing to kids. Think: a bright orange carrot hummus or a deep-purple beet hummus topped with a monster face made out of vegetables. 制作颜色鲜艳的豆泥会让孩子更有食欲。比如一份亮橙色的胡萝卜豆泥或一份深紫色的甜菜豆泥,上面用蔬菜摆出鬼脸图案。 4. Salmon 三文鱼 Introducing your child to fish at a young age can increase their likelihood of enjoying it and eating low-fat, vitamin-rich proteins for the rest of their life. 从小让孩子吃鱼会让其在长大后更爱吃鱼并摄入更多低脂肪和富含维生素的蛋白质。 Salmon is soft and mild enough for young children, and is also a good source of vitamin B12 and omega-3s, which promote healthy brain development and happier moods. 三文鱼的柔软清淡口感很适合幼童,同时还能提供大量维生素B12和欧米珈-3脂肪酸,不仅能促进大脑健康发育,还能让心情更愉悦。 5. Eggs 鸡蛋 Whole eggs are an excellent source of brain-boosting vitamins A, D and B12, along with choline. Choline is especially important for young children, as it has been shown to improve brain development and long-term memory. 全蛋是促进大脑发育的维生素A、维生素D、维生素B12和胆碱的绝佳来源。胆碱对于幼童尤其重要,经证明胆碱可以促进大脑发育,增强长期记忆力。 One study found that pastured eggs can have twice as much vitamin E and almost three times as many omega-3s as caged eggs. 一项研究发现,放养鸡蛋所含的维生素E和欧米珈-3脂肪酸分别是圈养鸡蛋的两倍和近三倍。 6. Meatballs 肉丸 Sneak some powerful plant-based fiber and nutritious veggies into your child’s diet through meatballs. 你可以通过肉丸在孩子膳食中添加植物纤维和营养丰富的蔬菜。 Start with a base of beans, lentils or ground turkey. Then add shredded spinach or grated zucchini. 举例而言,你可以在火鸡绞肉中加入豆泥,然后再加入切碎的菠菜或磨碎的西葫芦。 Use flax seeds to bind the ingredients for added omega-3s and toss in your spices. Cook and serve. 再加入一些富含欧米珈-3脂肪酸的亚麻籽并放入调味料。煮熟即可食用。 英文来源:美国消费者新闻与商业频道 翻译&编辑:丹妮 来源:中国日报网


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