健康意识,health consciousness
1)health consciousness健康意识
1.Particularly,the survey put emphasis upon the analysis of consumers' motivation and health consciousness during their selection of wine products and their drinking.尤其着重围绕消费群中饮酒人士饮酒时在选择酒类、饮酒与健康意识方面的行为和动机而进行的。
2.,to learn the relationship between health consciousness and health service,analyzes the variance of health service demands and its influential factors.目的通过调查人群健康状况、卫生服务需要量、卫生服务资源利用效率、就医行为等,了解人群健康意识和卫生服务行为之间的关系,分析卫生服务需要的变化及其影响因素。
3.By the means of changing the inferior position on the health consciousness of the national minority university students and develop their advantage of its physical constitution,their health consciousness and healthy behavior will be trained.通过对云南省几所高校少数民族大学生健康意识和健康行为的调查,认为在少数民族大学生中增强健康意识和健康行为的培养是一个极其重要和关键的环节。
1.Train Student’s Health Consciousness to Establish the First Thought;培养学生健康意识 树立健康第一思想
2.Heath education should aim at improving a healthy physique, cultivating a sense of health and forming be haviors of health.健康教育应以促进健康体质、养健康意识和形成健康行为为目的。
3.A Study on College Minority Students Consciousness about Health and Healthy Behavior;高校少数民族大学生健康意识和健康行为研究
4.Comparison of mental health state among college students with different mental heath consciousness;不同心理健康意识大学生的心理健康状况比较
5.An Investigation into the Health Concept and Health Consciousness ofthe Present-day College Students;当代大学生健康观念和健康意识的调查研究
6.A Comparison of Health and Sports Consciousness Between Chinese and Japanese;中日两国居民健康意识与体育意识的比较
7.Medical security system at various levels should also be established and improved. It is also necessary to conduct health education among farmers, with a view to improving their sense of health and the ability of self-health care.深入开展农民健康教育活动,提高农民健康意识和自我保健能力。
8.Consumers' awareness of health improved after the SARS epidemic非典过后消费者健康意识抬头
9.Discussion on the Infiltration and Cultivation of Healthy Consciousness in the Teaching of PE;论体育教学中健康意识的渗透和培养
10.The Professional College Should Enhance the Education of the Students Health Consciousness;高职院校要强化学生健康意识的教育
11.The Research On Present Condition And Cultivation Of College Students Mental Health Consciousness;大学生心理健康意识现状及培育初探
12.Consciousness and Education of Adult College Students Psychological Health;成人大学生心理健康意识及教育对策
13.Research on college students physical education and health consciousness in Qinghai province;青海省大学生体育与健康意识的研究
14.Conduct Investigation and Analysis for College Students P.E and Health Consciouness;学生体育、健康意识与行为调查分析
15.Health consciousness and health care of behavior for college students in Zhejiang浙江省在校大学生的健康意识与保健行为
16.Research on the Healthy Consciousness and Behaviour of Self- protected Health of the Students;大学生健康意识与自我保健行为的研究
17.Investigating Analysis on Undergraduate s Healthy Consciousness and Health-care Behavior;大学生的健康意识与保健行为调查分析
18.a health awareness campaign to promote a healthy lifestyle为推广健康生活方式而进行的增强健康意识活动
healthy consciousness健康意识
1.With the cause of SARS case, the problem of public health and people s healthy consciousness becomes nationwide focus issue.SARS事件使公共卫生和全民的健康意识问题成为全社会的焦点问题,现在人们更加关注的是后SARS时代我国公共卫生建设和全民健康意识喜忧参半的现状,也许更有意义的是探讨公共卫生与全民健康意识的关系,明确健康意识的内涵,认清民众的健康误区,重视全民的健康教育。
2.The infiltration and cultivation of healthy consciousness in the teaching of PE give prominence to reflect desire of age.体育教学中健康意识渗透和培养,突出反映了时代的要求;有利于“健康第一”教育观的贯彻;有利于体育教育价值的实现;有利于推动体育教学的改革。
3.This article is a initial study on healthy consciousness having a prominent position and a promoting development in sport-industy.本文借助于文献资料对全民健康意识在促进我国体育产业发展中的突出地位及促进我国体育产业发展初步的探讨。
3)Health awareness健康意识
1.Investigation and analysis of health awareness and sports behaviors of students in Sun Yat-sen University;中山大学学生健康意识状况与体育行为的调查分析
2.To reform and develop the PE and health course syllabus, pay more attention to students , health awareness and ability is new requirement put forward by the modern teaching and education.改变教学观念、完善实施办法势在必行;改革和发展学校体育与健康课程大纲,注重学生健康意识和能力的培养是现代教育和素质教育对我们提出的新要求。
3.Through the methods of questionnaire and documention,this article makes an investigaton about students health awareness,the sports envents they enjoy,their performance at class and afterclass,which provides referentical evidence of PE teaching in normal universities.通过问卷调查和查阅文献资料等方法,对河南省政法管理干部学院学生体育健康意识,喜爱运动项目,体育课情况,课外活动情况等方面进行了调查,为高等院校进一步深化体育教学改革提供参考依据。
4)consciousness of health健康意识
5)physical health concsiousness体育健康意识
6)healthy sense and ability健康意识和能力
《活动 意识 个性》 Α.Н.列昂节夫著。它是作者晚期的理论著作。苏联政治出版社1975年出版。全书仅10余万字,分5章:①马克思主义和心理学;②心理反映;③心理学中的活动问题;④活动与意识;⑤活动与个性。1980年上海译文出版社出版李沂等的中译本。列昂节夫多年研究活动问题,包括物质的感性-对象活动的结构和发生,对个体心理过程形成的作用;心理、意识的产生对生活活动、劳动活动的依从性;根据主导活动形式划分个体心理发展年龄阶段;提出主体的物质活动和精神活动在发生、结构和功能上的联系,彼此相互过渡理论等。他以多年的研究为基础,于1972~1974年的苏联《哲学问题》杂志上连续发表长篇论文:"心理学中的活动问题","活动和意识","活动和个性"。最后改写成此书,出版后获罗蒙诺索夫一等奖。本书是关于心理学方法论问题的专著,书中全面地阐述了作者的活动观点,在苏联心理学界有较大影响。作者在书中谈到,心理学是一门关于对现实的心理反映(它中介着个体的生活)的产生、功能和结构的具体科学。而要建立这样一门科学的完整体系,最重要的是 3个范畴:对象活动、人的意识、个性。因而,他写这本书的任务不是阐述一些具体的心理学观点和理论,而是根据历史唯物主义关于人的本性、人的活动、意识、个性的学说去寻求获取这些具体的观点和理论的方法与途径。